Downloads & Guides
We understand the need for speed and efficiency which is why we offer as much help and advice when preparing your files, to enable a smooth service at the highest standard possible in the given time. We offer tips and tricks to assist you when providing us files for the different services we offer so if you're unsure how to layout an artwork, give us a call and we'll help you to get it right first time.
We require files to be emailed as PDF's or JPEG's ( WeTransfer for larger files) to the size you wish them to be printed with concise, accompanying instructions.
If you require cutting, creasing or perforating then a separate artwork layer/guide should be provided (see below). If you require multiples of an item of packaging, then it may be preferable to supply one artwork and cutline and we will duplicate them on the page to maximise print productivity. However, for smaller items such as cigarette packs you may use our templates as a positional guide for your artwork. For magazines, booklets, signs, passports etc, a bleed should be added for allignment and trimming purposes.